My Closet

My Closet
Still a mess! Just the way I like it!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Playing Possum

I was very good today. You would all be so proud...Salad, smoothies, egg, tilapia, spinach, nuts, water. If the topic hadn't kept me engaged, I might have hit up the cookie table, just to stay awake. These days, there are enough U.S. Constitutional Law cases to keep the fur flying for marriage, Hobby Lobby, Stop and Frisk, abortion, Affordable Health Care, gun control, you name it. However, I or anyone might stand on any of those topics, here's my perspective; I paid attention, looked at both sides and stayed away from the cookies. That's a good thing,

Truthfully, I could eat anything right now. But, the day is almost over. I think I might make it. 
I was lucky enough to distract myself with some re-runs of The Beverly Hillbillies. I just love Granny. I'm so hungry, her possum sandwich and gopher gravy sounded appetizing. If you haven't watched them in a while, turn to TVLand. Just as your stomach starts to grumble and you find yourself getting a bit dizzy, lie down on the floor or your nearest fainting couch and laugh you a$$ off. Do 30 minutes of sit ups, too and get it over with. I laughed so hard, I think it was worth a few extra sit ups. Uncle Jed's lines are pure gold, "He lies so much, somebody else has to call his dog to him."

By the way, I have to settle for sit-ups and some upper body stuff for right now. No excuses. t's something, at least. Being the honeymoon girl that I am, I got all "gussied up" in my pink outfit, as Granny would say and over-did it on the treadmill. My knee is a little swollen. I'll give it a little rest and start up again. Gradually, like I should've in the first place.

I'm worried about my knee. What if I wind up like my dog, Sydney? My poor pooch has an ACL tear on his knee. Poor little fat boy. Like his human mommy, he was a little over indulged with treats. And like me, he over-did it on the exercise routine when he first started. Long story short, the vet refuses to repair his knee until he loses 12 pounds. He's been living off of a diet of green beans mixed with dog food since August. Something is working. He lost 8 pounds in two months. Tonight, I even found his bowl enticing. He looked up at me with a quizzical yet, "#ainthavinit", expression on his little treat deprived face.

I'll be glad when this week is over. Next week, Kristie says we can have beans (we're still in negotiations about whether a smoked neck bone would be out of compliance). Bless you Kristie. Otherwise, I might have to fight my dog for that big heaping bowl of dog food and green beans. We know that works.


  1. I love this Charlita! It is HILARIOUSLY TRANSPARENT and sure to encourage others! You are doing GREAT!

  2. Thanks Kristie. #ILOVEWEGOTTHIS
