My Closet

My Closet
Still a mess! Just the way I like it!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Get Your Ta-Tas In A Twist!

Happy Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Don't you just love Maxine? She's who I want to be when I grow up. I often consult her with the real problems I face in life...Like "Don't let aging get you down, it's too hard to get back up" and "Everyone seems normal until you get to know them". She's rarely kind but always honest and she means well. It's time to consult the sage, grumpy old gal again. It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. So, do what she says!
This morning, bless her heart, Kristie (aka Caligula), gave us a new challenge. She's hearing all the whining on Facebook. Or maybe it's just coming from me. She told us all to "Speak Life"! No negativity! I usually try not to look at my cell phone until I'm already in my office. Who needs to deal with crap before your morning shower? These days, though, I find myself grabbing my phone (after I hit the snooze a few times) and looking out for a few words of inspiration. So, I actually managed to scribble a few words of thanks before I rolled out of the bed...late.
It's certainly the right thing to do. I have a lot to be thankful for. Those of you who know me, get that. Today, I was just moved to think about one other reason to "Speak Life". Many women can't. We're lucky enough to have each other to remind us of that. Stay healthy, eat clean, and GET YOUR MAMMOGRAM.
I don't know why Kristie picked the month of October. It's funny, I didn't hear anyone ask. I speculated why she picked 21 days in yesterday's blog. I'll take a guess. Could it be that we can use October to give each other the gift of encouragement and good health? I'll go with that. Why not? Apart from heart health, we know that healthy eating; fresh fruits, vegetables, Omega 3's, whole grains, low fat and exercise just might save us from one of the most deadly diseases that women face today.


Type "Breast Cancer and nutrition" on any search engine. I got this tidbit from
"Although more research needs to be done on diet and breast cancer, findings suggest that physical activity, a healthy diet (particularly one low in fat and high in vegetables and fiber), and a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of breast cancer or the cancer coming back".

That's good by me. I'm tired of making "Pink Ribbon" baskets. It seems like there is an ever increasing number of friends in my life with that horrible diagnosis. It's horrifying to hear someone you love say "I have Breast Cancer". It's even harder to realize that we are helpless. It's out of our hands. All we can do is give a hug, promise to help, make a basket of hope, and pray. If there is any one thing you can do to keep from hearing those awful words, wouldn't you do it? Doesn't it make sense to Speak health, Speak Friendship, Speak a Cure....Speak Prevention?!

Now, I know that I have a bit of a "chocola-tude" problem. I'm working on it. Let's do this. SPEAK LIFE. Lest you forget, your best friend's life depends on it.

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