My Closet

My Closet
Still a mess! Just the way I like it!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Pants On The Ground! Pants On The Ground!

Sorry, I missed blogging yesterday, all. I was tired. I went to a Free Clinic steak fry to volunteer at the basket raffle table. All of my energy went into pulling those tickets, sitting up straight and lifting up my fellow volunteers. See how I worked those action words in? Clever, huh? I think that's worth some exercise credit. Pushing away the steak and baked potato just wore me out. It didn't wear me down. I brought it all home for my husband, plus a big slice of Mama Jo's apple pie. Okay, I'll admit it. A little dollop of pie filling got on my thumb. Yeah, that's right...I licked it off.

I woke up today feeling rested and guilt-free. I had lots to do. I was going to try to run interference. It didn't actually constitute running, but at a meeting I had this morning, I ran into someone real close to our fearless leader. She will remain nameless (but her name rhymes with Darlene). I tried to persuade "rhymes with Darlene" to try to reason with Kristie on the neck bone thing. She #wasnthavinit! With a waive of her hand and a hearty chuckle, she exclaimed, "I understand, honey. There's nothing I can do for you. I tried it...y'all can have it!" Then, we went about our meeting business. Now, if "rhymes with Darlene" can't help us, nobody can.

During my meeting, I noticed another little bit of exercise. I kept pulling my pants up. I was annoyed. The same kind of annoyed you get when your pantyhose keep rolling down. It didn't dawn on me that they didn't fit. They kept falling down. I kept pulling them up. That's it!!! That's what I needed. After all of the deprivation, I realized that I needed to see results to stay motivated. Doesn't everyone? It's not that you have to be promised the perfect results. It's that, while I knew that if I kept at it, something would happen, I couldn't see past what I wasn't eating. I know "something" will happen every Sunday, when I go on a diet, vowing to give up, "fill in the blank". I rarely commit and as always. I wasn't eating, a lot of stuff; meat, tater tots, Snicker bars, ice cream, artificial sweeteners, donuts and work cake. Everyone knows what work cake is, right? The cake that shows up for somebody's birthday...everyday.

Now, I am eating a lot. I tried to go over Kristie's head. That didn't work. I tried to negotiate beans and chocolate with her. That didn't work. I tried whining. You know that didn't work. All I had to do was surrender a bit. Surrender to the notion that, I have eaten fun, comfort, unhealthy foods all of my life. I do mean my whole law school, I lived off of coffee, cigarettes, McDonald's and Entenmann's frozen chocolate cake. A few weeks of goodness won't kill me. The menu is posted. So, you know what a culinary pittance one can exist on. I guess this one week of "goodness" surprised me. My blood sugar stabilized. And I found time to cook. I sort of enjoyed it. Well, "enjoy" is a strong word. Let's just say, these days, I'm calling my husband to the table with less attitude. Like "dinner is ready". Not, "Come eat, tsk!"

Salmon and Tilapia with a few vegetables takes a deceptively meager amount of time to prepare. I found a gazillion seasonings in my cupboard. I don't remember what I bought cardamom or caraway seed for. I used curry powder yesterday that had expired in 1996. Hey, that didn't kill me either. I found a whole new respect for almond and coconut milk and I never was so excited for permission to eat a bean tomorrow when week two starts. I see there's a new regulation menu item. Something called quinoa. Can you use cardamom or caraway seed to cook quinoa? Hey Kristie, how about that smoked neck bone?

Keep up the good work ladies!

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