My Closet

My Closet
Still a mess! Just the way I like it!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Keep Calm and Count The Days Until The Chocolate

My Kryptonite

We're done! "The 21 Day Clean Eating Challenge" is officially over. After all of the negotiations and whining and waiting, I did it. I did cheat...a little. I can't lie. Too many people saw me scarf down those tater-tots at the Feve on Friday (a potato is a vegetable). You know I tried. There are lots of people who can attest to that, too...and it's in writing. Right? I want to thank Kristie Duffy, Healthy Mind, Body and Soul with KristieFitness and all of her devoted followers. Kristie rocks. It's rare that I follow through on a challenge. Ask my co-workers; who comes in dead last at the workplace "Biggest Loser" competition every year? I wind up owing them's a long story. And every year, I vow to run a 5K, too. Oh, but, just ask the ambulance driver at every 5K race I've ever run. They give me the look as I drag, dead last across the finish line...."Lady, either move it or fake a heart attack. We got things to do".

Kristie asked us to just try to "finish strong". I didn't want to disappoint her. So, I finished "fairly" strong. Sorry, Kristie, I think I gained weight. It could be my imagination. Or it could be the huge pot of 16 bean soup I ate...all week. You can tell me what I can't have. But, tell me what I can have and I can guarantee that I'll overdose on that too. I won't even bother with the "after" picture. It didn't change. I know that because those pants that were "on the ground" last week...are not. It could change tomorrow. Who knows?

I guess I know how I wound up gaining weight on a "cleanse". See, what had happened all started with a peanut butter and Merlot jelly sandwich. I made homemade jelly, I had to try it (FYI, there is no alcohol in wine jelly). Anyway, the sugar craving spiraled into Hostess cupcakes and a bag of chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. I tried to wait. It was useless. I knew I should have blogged every day. It keeps me honest. Left to my own, I am powerless.

Acceptance is the first step to recovery. I just have to test the theory out now and again. It is as it always is. I feel crappy when I eat sugar and I shouldn't eat sugar. Chocolate is my kryptonite. "Hi, I'm Char and I am a chocoholic (and a 16 bean-a-holic)".

Now, a few of us are starting week one over again. I think I will too. I feel much better, in spite of a few slip-ups. And I got to know a group of faithful, supportive ladies who pulled each other up when any of us fell. Isn't that the whole point? I'll say...I've been to more meetings, luncheons, events and ceremonies in this last 3 weeks than my body would ever have allowed had it been weighed down by junk. I would have made an excuse, grabbed the remote and hunkered down with bowl after bowl of generic vanilla ice cream (in the $3.99 big gallon bucket from Drug Mart). Then, the sugar would make me hot and neither the air condition, the fan nor an open window would have given me any relief. I didn't. I got up, dressed up and showed up. I didn't let anyone down. And I lifted a whole lot of causes up...women, breast cancer, domestic violence, youth programs, community relations, ethics. I did it all, "because I said I would".

I'll be checking in periodically on my next attempt to be free and fell good. I'll be laid up for a few weeks. Nothing earth shattering, just some plumbing problems. If my husband cooperates, I plan to be pampered and spoiled, as the "Oompa Loompas" say, like a Siamese Cat. Lots of fruit and veggies and smoothies, rest and relaxation.

I'll leave you, my friends with this. I may not have reached my ultimate weight loss goal but I didn't fail, I learned. And in spite of myself, I gathered some data. Not like math statistics...Oh God, no! More like an too many sweets, get hot, feel miserable, slow down, and pull yourself out of your community. We're all better than that. Our community needs healthy leaders, now more than ever. We need to help our cities, our youth, our friends and our sisters. But you gotta put your own oxygen mask on first. Ya know? Then you get out and help somebody. Get involved. Do it with energy and enthusiasm. And go ahead...reward yourself with a little chocolate treat. You don't need to overdo it.

Here are a few sites to get you started:

Thanks to all of you who checked in and cheered me on. Thanks again, Kristie. I'm always up for another challenge. #WEGOTTHIS. Keep Calm and Count The Days Until The Chocolate.

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