My Closet

My Closet
Still a mess! Just the way I like it!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Day One...

I ain't goin' out with no muffin top!

Day One...I'm hungry!!! That's it! Remember, I'm a honeymoon girl?! I got up and had my smoothie, ate my egg, almonds, veggies , salmon. I even made fresh green juice for tomorrow. I got on the treadmill. I did cheat. I had a cup of coffee. Sorry Kristie. How about black coffee with half and half flavored water?

It's probably not so much that I'm hungry. It's mostly that I can't stop thinking about food. Halloween is right around the corner and there is nothing else I can think about except candy and potatoes. Isn't that funny? Potato chips, potato skins, baked potato's with lots of cheese and butter, French fried potatoes, tater tots. And Snicker bars. Lots of the little mini/fun sized bars. And Mounds. Oh and Almond Joys (sometimes you feel like a nut...).

I hope I can keep it together. How can I not? With all the water, I spent most of my time in  um...what my friend Steve calls, "the necessary". But seriously, like I said before, it's not easy being clean/green. It's expensive. Not "cruise" expensive, but I could surely have satisfied my intense passion for a Coach purse yesterday, shopping for fresh food. I think it's worth it.

It's worth it for the discipline. It's worth it for the habit of thinking about what you put in your mouth. It's worth it because you are what you eat. Unless you couldn't tell by the nice muffin top in my before pic, I am a big Snicker bar. It's worth it because, we all know what fresh fruits and vegetables with their vitamins and nutrients, and a diet free from high fructose corn syrup and aspartame leads to a longer healthier life. I was reading an article recently that low income people who are overweight, are actually suffering from malnutrition. Yep, it's right here, read it for yourself; How can we be overweight and malnourished?
“It does happen because people choose to eat the wrong foods,” said Dee Sandquist, a registered dietitian and spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. It’s one reason many Americans are plagued by chronic diseases, she said".

I'm convinced, it's worth it because I'm a "SURVIVOR". Now, there are statistics out there that point to cancer causes from marshmallows to lipstick. Sometimes, we don't know what to believe. But what we do know is that obesity, fatty and processed foods don't make surviving any easier. And a Coach purse can't save my life. It just holds all the old lady pills I'll have to take. I ain't goin' out like that. Now, somebody please convince my sweet-tooth. 

Day one down, twenty more to go. How's everybody else doing?


  1. Good for you, Charlita! These are things we all struggle with but don't always acknowledge. I have a sweet tooth too and that is why I am still in Weight Watchers. Don't forget to add some vigorous exercise - you need those endorphins to keep your spirits up!

  2. I've learned to eat better. I'm sensitive to dairy & I don't eat pork at all. Very little red meat but I won't give up chips,
