My Closet

My Closet
Still a mess! Just the way I like it!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011



I know, I know. Long time no see, y'all and I'm sorry. That's all. For the last two months, I've been wallowing in hand wringing and lethargy and I have to's my blog and I can cry if I want to. But I'm done and now I'm just pissed. I jumped out of bed and right onto my high horse.

As the grapevine would have it, I'm now a "pink ribbon sister". That much is entirely true but despite the drama, I DIDN'T BUY A THREAD! Now, how's that for at least a semblance of composure (a few nightgowns for the hospital and a new "unmentionable" but that's it and they don't count). I broke nary a rule and my bank account is off of life support. By the way, thanks to you all for your support.

Now, what has me most distressed is that, for the better part of a year, I've committed myself, instead of spending it on clothes, to spending my hard earned "ducketts", "greenbacks", "cheddar" on soy protein drinks (please recall the diet issues of prior entries). And soy is not cheap. I'd have been better off saving up for a Prada bag. As you probably are aware, soy protein is the new diet "fair haired boy". It is natural, lower in carbs, free from animal fats and reportedly, all around "safer" nutritionally. So I bought it. But could I have almost bought the farm?

Turns out that our boy "soy", its "isoflavanones", "isolates" and "proteins", produces phytoestrogens in the body and for many, dare I say, multitudes of "pink ribbonites" and those predisposed to estrogen positive breast c_ _ _ _ _ _(we don't use the "C" word here), estrogen is no friend. But why don't women know anything about this? And why is soy in EVERY damned THING? I'm a little amused when I hear the little old lady in the Red Hot hot sauce commercial proudly proclaim..."I put that sh*$ on everything". But not so much with the soy. And by the way of a quick disclaimer to the soy industry...KISS MY WALMART RECEIPTS". I ain't Oprah and if you can't tell from the blog, I ain't got no money.

Here's a list of things soy is IN (maybe it would be less exhaustive to list what soy is NOT in). Soy is a food item, an ingredient, an emulsifier and additive and a filler. It can be found in most all commercial breads, cereals and crackers; prepared gravies, broths, sauces and soups; chocolate candy, ice cream, peanut butters; frozen dinners (my beloved Weight Watcher Smart Ones), vegetable oils, margarines and salad dressings. Check out I even found soy in packets of Crystal Light drink mix and both shakers of cinnamon and nutmeg. What was most alarming was my discovery, after picking up a bag of "whole almonds", of the disclaimer, "contains traces of soy". Now what the H E "double hockey sticks" is soy doing in a whole almond???? Thank God it's not in my Corona Light. Then I might have to contact my congressman.

Now I'm no scientist, just ask my 10th grade science teacher. But if everything you reach for on the supermarket shelf contains soy or the infamous "traces of soy", what is safe to eat when the doctor in his infinite wisdom warns, "you might want to stay away from soy"? And where's all the research? Better yet, can we get somebody to talk about it before the "test results"? If you live in the country, every other field is a soybean field. It's cheap to grow and it is kind to the soil. But the super food may just be a super threat. And can you just imagine the power of the soy lobby (all conspiracy theories aside)? Think about it. For instance, who knows about the phytoestrogen issue? Or do most people think it's an urban myth? And does anyone realize that soy is among the top eight foods that account for 90% of allergic reactions to foods? Just sayin'.

I'm not trying to scare anyone and I'm no expert. I just get a little protective when I think about all of the women out there, many of my friends and loved ones, for whom I would give anything to keep out of the "pink ribbon sisterhood". This is a club many women are dying to get into. Check out the facts. In the meantime, next time you go shopping, turn the package around. Let me know what you find. Maybe instead of eating soy, we can wear it (you didn't doubt I'd bring it back around did you). Since we're going green, I'd buy a soy outfit. Soy fabric is the new cotton. Check out

Until next long.