My Closet

My Closet
Still a mess! Just the way I like it!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

I Must Be Fabulous Too Because...

Merry Pink Christmas and Happy Pink New Year!

What was I thinking? My closet is still a mess. Think about it. If it was in the state you saw it in my first blog and I didn’t buy anything new, why would it change? It stayed the same only with no new additions. Where would I put them? And I never promised to clean it up. That’s what we in the law business call, a “loophole”.

Be that as it may, the point of this exercise was to stem the rolling tide of compulsive “shopping till I drop” and save a few bucks. And I did it. I have enough money to take my family on a trip to Disney World and nary a thread was purchased (I did buy some shirts for my husband and son for Christmas, forgive me but I revised Rule Number 3…Christmas is a legitimate occasion). But that was twelve months later, for crying out loud.

I have to say, it’s been a long year, especially with the unexpected and unwelcome and terrorizing arrival of the big “C”.  But the question is still, what have I learned? What did the most deprived year of my life since the summer I quit drinking teach me (I still can’t answer that question)? I know one thing…stores are hot, but I’ve told you that. And crowded and boring. Yes, boring. Even with Santa Claus popping out of every crevice and peeking around every corner, during the “most wonderful time of the year, I stood stone faced, a heavy sigh on my breath in the middle of every store thinking, “if I don’t get out of here soon, they’re gonna have to carry me out”. Now, I could have done my shopping online, but that would take planning, organization, which I’m still working on…..please refer to post #1). And of course, again, I gave way more than what was on my own wish list. Last year that was one of the catalysts for the shopping hiatus. Besides shopping too much for myself, I bought too much junk for everyone else…And I do mean junk. From the frenzy of JC Penney’s, one gift for my son only had one house slipper in the box. Apparently it was a display.

But I learned, that as it pertains to me and shopping in general, I am more creative, resourceful, disciplined and blessed than I ever knew, some rules are made to be broken, and most importantly, purchases and gifts come in all forms, shapes and colors as long as they’re given with love. They don’t have to come in a particular “size” or from the “Coach” store.

First, I have coordinated, tailored, revitalized, laundered and re-purposed just about every item in my wardrobe. I’ve even learned a few things in the process. Did you know that you can remove a wax stain with a piece of a paper bag and an iron? I know this because I wore a holiday blouse this Christmas Eve that had been in the closet since New Years Eve, 2001. It was waiting for the magic cure I found on the internet. Anyway, remember the 5 reasons why I quit shopping? So true:

1) Grow up and just stop it. Haven't you learned how to coordinate an outfit yet?
2) Save some money. Everything your friend has shouldn't be yours too.
3) Does shopping really mean shopping? Or does it mean drinks and appetizers after work which leads to drunk shopping, which in my opinion is worse than drunk dialing? There are many other forms of entertainment, and dare I say, emotional fulfillment.
4) There really is no "new" or "in" fashion. There is only what is neat, professional and appropriate for the occasion. Think, have those boots and jeans you've worn for the last 3 years been deemed passé'...for anything? At anytime?
5) I KNOW, this year will fly by and the money will be there or at least much better spent. And I will be stronger for it.

Second, I had some fabulous clothes hiding in my closet. Well, fabulous for me. And the money I had previously spent was an investment of sorts, waiting for the “return”. My mom always says, no matter what you ay for something, if you take good care of it, it will last a lifetime.

Third, I must be fabulous too because, I have taken good care of my clothes and friendships and they have lasted and lasted. During this year, my beloved fellow divas, pink ribbon sisters, co-workers and “tight, ride or die girls” have clung to me like glue. And that only comes when the people who love you know that you love them. That’s something you have to work on, cultivate and water like a flower. That’s not to say people don’t do nice things for you out of concern and sincerity, (and good people just do nice things, no matter what, and they were there for me too, in droves) but there were more often than not, the greatest outpourings of friendship, love and concern from the people that know, from me, that I love them and how much their friendship means to me.

I have been kidnapped and held hostage at wineries, showered with clothes to borrow in my new “size”, my family has been fed…well, I can’t count the get well cards I received and my office was painted and re-decorated, just to name a few. And with each gift I received, I became more humble and yet proud of that scared, confused girl who thought she was doomed; doomed to fail at life, family, friendship and living; who is stronger than she thought too and more now than ever, able to accept all of the love, hope and support that anyone can spare. Because they won’t let me not!

I am accomplished, disciplined, hopeful and thankful for all of the blessings (in spite of the pitfalls) that came my way this year. I finished what I started, but in hind sight, I usually do. I forgot that I know how to kick my own self in the butt. I put on my “big girl panties” and I kicked myself in the butt. There were no panicked account transfers, no frantic calls to the bank, no hyperventilating at the thought of a therapeutic new outfit (and if this year didn’t do it nothing will). There is just me, my faith in God and in my fabulous friends, my messy closet, my renewed relationship with the bank and a bit of a crush on the cute little old shoe cobbler.

 “Wardrobe Interrupted”, life interrupted. Faith, hope, love, family, friendship, strength, and that pesky beer addiction….still happily intact! What will the new year bring? Get excited! Happy holidays!